We modified the "plug" for CRUISE-A-HOME fiberglass
boats and modified the upper hull to accommodate a
spacious "houseboat" configuration. We broadened her after
sections to give more stability and we retained the extra deep
forward entry and her concave under-water lines which had
made this hull so comfortable and dry in ocean running.
Then maybe we got carried away a bit! The charter boats had the security advantage of four water tight hull compartments. We added three more to make CRUISE-A- HOME 40's total a super-safe seven and CRUISE-A-HOME 31' with five compartments. And how about keeping the spray and seas where they belong, below the gunwale? Well, look at the extreme forward flair built into CRUISE-A-HOME's hull - further reason she's so dry and safe in rough water. And finally, we had to have an efficient hull that ran |
"clean", stern high. So CRUISE-A-HOME has been
engineered with the right amount of aft lifting surface and
unique inverted chines which combine to do the job.
So there you have some of the CRUISE-A-HOME heritage. During 1969, three CRUISE-A-HOME prototypes were placed in charter service. They enjoyed "full occupancy" all summer and over 1400 hours running time were compiled in all kinds of salt-water conditions. A U.S. government agency chartered one of the units for five weeks for a test project in Northern British Columbia waters. This agency's report, as did the other charterer reports, proved CRUISE-A-HOME completely adaptable to all sea conditions encountered. Yes, your new luxury home on the water, CRUISE-A- HOME, is tested, proven and ready to give you and your family the best years of your life, afloat! |